The Deus Vult Podcast
The Deus Vult Podcast engages all aspects of Catholic life and culture from the perspective of two good friends, both Catholic priests, from northern Indiana. [The content of The Deus Vult Podcast does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend.]
The Deus Vult Podcast
The Humble Voice Actors - The Screwtape Series
The Deus Vult Podcast
Season 4
Episode 6
The 14th Installment of the Screwtape series. In this episode, the ever-bitter, Uncle Screwtape provides the foil for the virtue of Humility.
"Humility is contingent upon you understanding Truth." -Fr. Stephen Felicichia
Listen to Fr. Koehl's talk on The Screwtape Letters: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1411843/13642867
Join your hosts on pilgrimage: https://stcharlespilgrimages.com/koehl-italy